



David Jones on Politics, Religion and Culture: Unpublished Prose . Edited
with Anne Price-Owen and Thomas Berenato  (with foreword by Rowan Williams) Bloomsbury Press, 2017.

At the Turn of a Civilization:  David Jones and Modern Poetics.   University of Michigan Press, 1994
Annunciations: Poems Out of Scripture. Edwin Mellen Poetry Press, 2003.
Waving Back: Poems of Mothering Life. Finishing Line Press, 2009.
Good Places: Poems (Finishing Line Press, 2017)
This Thing Called Poetry: An Anthology of Poems by Young Adults with Cancer.  Finishing Line Press 2019


Scholarly Articles and Reviews

Introduction to Evelyn Underhill, ‘Church Congress Syllabus No. 3: The Christian Doctrine of Sin and Salvation, Part III: Worship’. Anglican Theological Review 100:3 (Summer 2018)

“David Jones:  Christian Artist at the Dawn of a Post-Christian Era,” in David Jones: Christian Modernist? Ed. Jamie Callison, Paul Fiddes, Anna Johnson, and Erik Tonning.  Brill, 2017

“The Itinerant Scholar-Teacher: Reflections on Twenty Years as an Adjunct Faculty Member.”  Theological Education,  Summer 2015.

“Rereading Evelyn Underhill’s Mysticism,” Spiritus 12:1 (2012)

Review of William Dyrness Poetic Theology and Douglas Walrath, Displacing the Divine. Spiritus 11:2 ( Fall 2011).

“Why David Jones, Why Now?”  and “The Sagging End and Chapter’s Close: Revisiting a Long Conversation with David Jones’s Poetry,” Flashpoint online Magazine, Spring 2010 Web Issue 13.

Annunciations in Most Lives:  Vocational Discernment and the Work of the Church,” Sewanee Theological Review, Special Issue on Ministry,Easter 2000

Recent Publications: 
Poetry and Creative Nonfiction:

“Reveling.”  Poem. Presence Magazine, March 2016. 

“Denkmal,” Poem Anglican Theological Review  Spring 2015.

“The Itinerant Scholar-Teacher: Reflections on Twenty Years as an Adjunct Faculty Member.” Theological Education Summer 2015

“The Volunteer,” Ruminate, December 2012.

“Thinking about Angels, On Retreat.” (poem) Spiritus.  12:1 (2012)

Beech Leaves,” (poem)  Silver Spring/Takoma Park Voice. Spring 2011.

“God’s Wounds,” in Voices of Breast Cancer.  La Chance Publications.  2007.  

Remembering the Company,” in Heaven, ed. Roger Ferlo.  Seabury Press, 2006.  

Like a Child at Home: Seeking Safety in Post-9/11 Washington, DC.  Weavings,  September-October 2006:

Scholarships and Conferences

“David Jones and Hans Urs von Balthasar: Toward a Jonesian ‘Theology of History’.  Conference on David Jones: Dialogues with the Past: University of York, UK July 2016.  (Also co-editor of special issue of Religion and Literature coming out of this conference)

“Forgiving God:  Theodicy and Sacramental Practice in Denise Levertov’s Mass for the Day of St. Thomas Didymas.  American Comparative Literature Association conference, Harvard University, March 2016.

Academic Experience and Courses Taught

David Jones Research Center: based online and at Washington Adventist University:   Director, 2017-present (

Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, VA
1993–present: Adjunct Faculty: Practical Theology, Theological Aesthetics and Ascetic Theology, Theology, Literature and the Ministry of the Laity:
Courses Taught include: “The Christian Practice of Discernment,” “Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Ministry,” “Contemplative Writing,” “Praying with Poetry”, “Scripture in Literature,” “Visions of Ministry in Fiction,” “ Poetry of the Anglican Theological Tradition,”  “Christian Vocation: Discerning the Work of the Church; Advisor to Independent Study projects and Masters theses involving literature, spirituality, Christian Formation and the Ministry of the Laity.

Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, DC
1992-2019 Adjunct in Literature and Religion    Teaching “Poetry as Spiritual Practice,’ “The Language of Grace:  Readings in Modern Fiction”; “Scripture in Literature”; “Denise Levertov’s Poetry”; “Literary Contexts for American Religious History”. Teaching in both Masters and Doctoral level courses.

1994-2008   University of Maryland, College Park:2005-2008:  Senior Lecturer, University Honors Program; 1995-2005 Instructor:  University Honors Program. Honors Seminars: “Untold Stories:  Modern Women Writers Re-imagining the Western Tradition”; “Ideas of God in Scripture and Literature,”  “Poems that Matter: How Reading and Writing them can Transform Lives.”
Course coordinator and section leader for  HON 267: interdisciplinary Honors course on “Knowledge Across the Disciplines.”
Director of “University Honors Center for Learning”: faculty development program aimed at introducing faculty to teaching techniques centered on student learning (funded by internal Improvement of Instruction Grants, 1996-2001)