Retreats & Events

“Come, Lord Jesus: Praying with Poetry for Advent – at Bon Secours Retreat Center, Wed. December 4, 2024

Advent is a season of longing, of waiting in hope, sometimes of embracing darkness — feelings that take us beyond words and into prayer.  This Friends day will use the words of several poets to lead us into prayer, with brief presentations and readings to show how poets’ words can take us to a deeper place, and with invitations to  corporate silence and optional writing.

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Video interview on Poetry and Creativity  

On the Spiritual Wanderlust Podcast, an interview with Kelly Deutsch


Teaching at Adelynrood Retreat Center

Co-leading Adelynrood School for Spiritual Direction, June 3-7 and August 5-9, 2024

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Quiet Day (past): “Praying with Poetry in the Green World”

June 5, 2024 at Adelynrood Retreat and Conference Center,Byfield Massachusetts

Learn how the practices of reading and writing poetry can open us up to the lively holiness in ordinary things — and especially in the green and growing world around us.  Leader Kathy Staudt’s recent poetry collection follows the medieval mystic Hildegard of Bingen in exploring the spiritual energy of “greenness”  (Viriditas – Hildegard’s word), the hidden life that pulses through all of the natural world.  Drawing on Kathy poems as well as poets that have inspired her, this  quiet day will invite participants to listen to poetry in prayerful ways, to share in times of silence, to enjoy the gardens and green spaces of Adelynrood, and to try writing poetry of their own.  The day will include poetry readings, periods of corporate silence for meditation and writing, and some opportunities for small group sharing.

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