Emmaus Traveler (Luke 24:13-16)
The airport here in Frankfurt is bright at all hours.
This morning it is full of people, speaking, moving purposefully.
Tall, fair and focused, they pass me by.
I am newly arrived, unsure what time it is,
Knowing only where to go and wait,
and where to wash my face.
On the way, I meet a brown-skinned woman
Short, dressed in black and lace, dragging a lumpy bag.
She sees me seeing her, looks up, and grasps my arm.
“Sao Paolo?” she inquires. She expects me to know.
I meet her eyes and shake my head
“No- no idea what plane.”
Then I understand: the ocean she desires to cross,
I have just passed over.
“Sao Paolo – en Brasil?” I ask, in helpless Spanish.
“Si!” she rattles on, in excited Portuguese.
She sees I cannot understand.
But we have met each other.
Turning away, she meets my eye again,
Raises fingers to her mouth
And blows a gentle kiss.
From Kathleen Henderson Staudt, Annunciations: Poems out of Scripture (2003; rpt. Wipf & Stock, 2018)