Found online at https://www.sistersofcharity.org.au/news/the-spiritual-exercises-of-st-ignatius-of-loyola-the-fourth-week/
I see that I posted the same poem 2 years ago as my “poem of the season” for Eastertide. It is based on a meditation in the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises that I have found fruitful — a scene that must have happened, the risen Jesus appearing to his grieving mother. In this season when so many mothers are grieving, in Ukraine, at the Southern border, in the devastated civil wars on the African continent, this extra-Biblical scene pulls together the grief of the pieta, the grieving mother at the foot of the Cross, and the wonder of whatever the Easter promise truly means. So I’m posting again my poem “Another Annunciation” because it is an imagined scene that keeps calling me back.