by Kathleen Staudt | Sep 10, 2022 | attentiveness, prayer, spiritual direction/companionship, spirituality
As the academic/program year begins I step back into the deeply satisfying work I’ve been called to as a spiritual director/spiritual Companion. Trying to explain the gift of this work to people, I recently shared this quote from the 20th century Anglican...
by Kathleen Staudt | Dec 1, 2021 | Advent, attentiveness, prayer, spirituality, Uncategorized
I had the privilege of participating in a conversation with my friend Robyn Wrigley-Carr, who has edited a new Advent collection by Evelyn Underhill, The Music of Eternity. A video of our conversation is posted here:...
by Kathleen Staudt | Apr 4, 2020 | attentiveness, poetry, retreats, social distancing, spirituality
As a retreat leader I have always been most energized by working off the presence of those in the room and I do miss that physical closeness. A lot of retreat work I had scheduled for this spring has been cancelled or in a few cases has gone on line, but I thought...